Press Releases



November 2, 2023
New survey shows Granger’s message creates strong momentum and support among independent, undecided voters LAKE CHARLES — A new poll from Change Research released today shows strong momentum for Dustin Granger — a financial advisor, investment manager, small business owner, and top vote-getting Democrat — as well as shifting support that puts him within striking distance of winning the upcoming runoff election for Louisiana Treasurer. A recent October 19-23 survey of 533 likely runoff election voters shows that once voters are informed of each candidate’s bio and policy stances, Dustin Granger stands at 43% and Republican John Fleming stands at 47% of the vote — within the margin of error. 10% of voters say they are undecided. The margin of error for the poll is +/- 4.6%. “This poll shows exactly what we’ve seen and heard on the campaign trail — Louisianans are looking for an experienced leader who has what it takes to revitalize our economy and put more money in their pockets,” Granger said. “It’s clear that my message is resonating — with me as your next Treasurer, I’m ready to fight for our future by growing our economy to create high-paying jobs, taking on the property insurance crisis, and rooting out corruption in state investments once and for all.” The poll also showed independent voters moving away from Fleming and undecided voters moving towards Granger after they heard Fleming’s background: as a climate change and election denier, as an extremist congressman who voted against hurricane relief funding and advocated for cuts to Medicare, and as someone with deep connections to outside special interests. In fact, over the course of his political career, Fleming has received more than a million dollars in campaign contributions from corporate elites, insurance industry executives, and pharmaceutical companies. “John Fleming’s extremist stances are not gaining him any new support, and he is only beholden to special interests like Big Insurance and Big Pharma. Louisianans work hard for their money — at the end of a long work week, who do you entrust with your savings: an experienced financial advisor, or a career politician?” Granger said. “A vote for John Fleming is a vote for Jindalnomics and a worsened insurance crisis that our people cannot afford. Unlike Fleming, I will always put the Louisiana people first and work to get them the best returns on their investments.” The poll also clearly shows that Granger’s priorities align with voters’ priorities. Among the favorable issues, nearly 2 in 3 voters believe Louisiana should shift its investments to include renewable energy to help revitalize our state economy and create sustainable, high-paying jobs. “Our campaign is fueled by everyday Louisianans who deeply care about the future of this state and want better — and I’m ready to fight for them. Due to our hard work, we’re in striking distance, and with everyone’s help, we can win this,” Granger said. Early voting for the upcoming runoff election will take place Friday, November 3 through Saturday, November 11. Election Day is Saturday, November 18. - - - - - - Dustin Granger is a small business owner who has been a financial advisor and investment manager for nearly 20 years. He has dedicated his career to helping thousands of families navigate tough crises like the Great Recession, the COVID-19 Pandemic, and the perennial hurricanes that have devastated our Gulf Coast. Now, he’s ready to put that experience to good use for our entire state. As a life-long Catholic, Louisiana resident, and graduate of Sulphur High and LSU, Dustin deeply understands our way of life and has the expertise we need to get our Louisiana economy back on track. Dustin resides in his hometown of Lake Charles with his wife Lauren and two daughters, Mireille & Ines. Learn more about Dustin Granger and his candidacy by visiting . ###
October 24, 2023
“I will always stand in the gap between Louisiana voters and anyone — Katie Bernhardt, John Fleming, Big Insurance— that keeps Louisiana families from what they deserve.”
August 9, 2023
Dustin Granger, a financial planner and fiduciary from Lake Charles, officially qualified for Louisiana State Treasurer for the 2023 election this morning at the Secretary of State’s office in Baton Rouge. Granger, the first Democrat to qualify, has been campaigning on a promise of honesty about the economy and a commitment to diversified investments.
August 7, 2023
Time to wake up Louisiana! It's James Carville, and I've got some exciting news that's gonna get you fired up. I'm putting my support behind Dustin Granger for Louisiana Treasurer, and I want YOU to get in on this action.
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